The online magazine

Find out more about unusual architecture, door details and exciting room installations in our articles here.

Our articles:


Vahle doors: outstanding quality meets precision craftsmanship

Vahle is based in the Danish town of Mørke in East Jutland where it manufactures high-quality doors using traditional Danish craftsmanship combined…

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Museum buildings: where art and architecture merge

Museums are not just places of education and culture, but often veritable architectural masterpieces in their own right. The role performed by these…

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The secret behind a perfect finish

If one dares to look beyond the finish, one can see and understand that it is primarily what is inside that reveals the real value of something.…

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Reactions, associations and perceptions – colours determine the environment and accompany our life

Upheavals and change are always part of the passage of time. However, uncertainties and changes reflect the global situation more than ever. When the…

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